The FCBarcelona India Story Continues

So anyone who has been reading this blog knows that my first major project in India (my breakthrough project) was facilitating FCBarcelona’s entry into the country. Since then, my client Conscient Football, has been incredible in working with club to execute programming around the country. In addition, FCBarcelona has sent two (2) coaches to live in India full time to launch FCBEscola, the Catalan club’s official football school. The progress of this project in such a short time is nothing less than extraordinary. A few camps and the planned launch of a school is all positive, but most Indians remain critical of such initiatives until they see “real results” which typically are “really unrealistic.” However, Conscient Football and FCBarcelona gave their critics something to chew on this past week, something which will certainly have people realize that this is no ordinary project. A group of nine (9) U-12 Indian players who were scouted in Goa, Jaipur and Delhi were all h...