Football + Spirituality = A Life Worth Living

For the past 30 years, football has not only been my favorite activity, it has served as my passion, my profession and my access to experience the world.  I have deep gratitude to existence for wiring my internal software in a way which allows me to enjoy and excel at this game both on and off the pitch.  Now I feel that I’m entering a new phase in my life. Maybe I’m expanding, maybe I’m evolving, maybe I’m just open to something new. 

Those who have been reading this blog over the years would know that sometime around early 2011 I became interested in exploring spiritual aspects of life through prayer, yoga, meditation and personal growth. This search continued over the past few years and has created a gateway into the mystique, a dimension where only time and space exist. 

Now I’ve arrived at this extraordinary crossroad where on one side I see the enriching and always exciting world of sport and on the other side I see a blissful path towards self-growth and spirituality. While many may feel that they always have to make decisions in life, I typically choose to have it all.  Therefore I’m choosing to go deeper into both areas of my life. 

I cannot run away from my dream of ensuring that all children in India have an opportunity to grow through sport.  This dream resides within every cell of my body and it is something I know that I will spend the rest of my life pursuing.   And, at the same time, I’m clear that my access to a blissful life is through meditation and yoga.

So that’s it. I’m writing this very personal post as a way to integrate my intention to live a life of spirituality and sport into existence so it can continue to manifest.  I’ll use this blog to share updates on this manifestation as my life evolves and I get closer and closer to living my truth on a daily basis.  I’m excited to continue this journey and experience all the magic which lies ahead….


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