5 Things Everyone Should Do in their 20s

Towards the end of my 100 hours of meditation during the Vipassana course I recently completed (see post below), I started feeling very peaceful and had this thought that everyone in the world should do this course before they turn 30. That thought led to a list forming in my head of the top 5 things that all people should complete in their 20s which was essentially the inspiration for this post. So, readers, please note that I’ve done each of what’s written below as I only believe in recommending something which I’ve directly experienced. Also, these are listed in no particular order. Here we go:

#1: Complete a 10-Day Vipassana Course: Meditation is a completely natural tool that leads to increased levels of harmony, compassion, wisdom, oneness, etc… with no dependency on religion or the external environment. The 10-day Vipassana course provides you with the opportunity to cut off from every day distractions and learn an invaluable practice which can transform your holistic growth & development over lifetimes.  I urge every single person who comes across this blog post to register for a future Vipassana course immediately at the following link:   https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/courses/search

#2: Complete the Landmark Forum: Landmark Worldwide is an international personal and professional growth, training and development company—a global educational enterprise committed to the fundamental principle that people have the possibility of success, fulfilment and greatness. The Landmark Forum is designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of your life—in just three days. These shifts are the direct cause for a new and unique kind of freedom and power—the freedom to be at ease and the power to be effective in the areas that matter most to you: the quality of your relationships, the confidence with which you live your life, your personal productivity, your experience of the difference you make, your enjoyment of life.

I completed the Landmark Forum in 2007 and I can comfortably attribute this course and this education for much of the personal and professional success in my life.  Landmark courses are offered all over the world and you can register for the Landmark Forum at the following website:

#3: Read the Bhagavad Gita: I’ve read the Gita twice over the past decade and each time I study this work of art I gain clarity on my approach to life.  It is not a religious text, it is a blueprint on how to live and I highly recommend that everyone read through and study this beautiful dance of a conversation between Shri Krishna and Arjuna.

#4: Read the book 'Sapiens': This book written by Yuval Noah Harari is one of the most extraordinary books I’ve read to date. In the course of 443 pages, Harari somehow is able to explain the history of the world from the start of life on the planet to a few decades into the future. This book will not only educate you on a wide variety of life topics, it will give you a plethora of interesting facts and anecdotes to make you the hit of any dinner party conversation. 

#5: Conceptualize & Implement a Community Service Project that is Close to Your Heart:  When I was 27, I was involved in a program that had us create and deliver a project aligned with our passions in 3 months.  At that time, the 3 areas that I felt moved by were soccer, travel and service. Ultimately I came up with a project called ‘Harlem2Guadalajara’ where I fundraised $10,000 to fly a group of underprivileged footballers from FC Harlem down to Guadalajara, Mexico for a few days of sport, cultural exposure and service.  Here is a link to a short video covering the trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6jmh3cbPxM&t=670s

This project taught me that with the right intention and effort, I can accomplish anything that I put my mind & heart into no matter how big the project. Also, it helped me to understand that service not only brings joy to the individuals or communities I am serving, but it also sends tremendous joy back in my direction as well. Finally, it gave the people around me – my family, friends and colleagues – a strong sense of who I am as the Harlem2Guadualara project was a direct expression of my true self. 
So that’s it. I’d love to know if any of the readers of this blog take one or more of these 5 recommendations on as a result of this post. And, if so, please share your experiences with me as it would be a gift to be able to hear from you – no matter if it’s positive or negative feedback.    


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